10 December 2020

In this year of isolation
Do not give in to desolation.
Spread with joy the season's cheer
Knowing that the Lord is near.

Dear Friends and Family,

What a year -- unreal -- disorienting -- frightening. We pray that all survive.

It started well enough, after last year's devastating loss. Annie moved out to a new apartment in Brookline with her cat Guaupo, while Michael stayed behind. I joined the money counters at St. Mary's and enjoyed communing with them as we went through the bills and coins of collections for each of the several masses. I joined the choir and enjoyed the singing and camaraderie, and continued as a lector. I had plans to host a gala St. Patrick's dinner with neighbors and parish friends -- ham, guiness, colcannon, soda bread -- but then ......

Coronovirus/Covid-19! The world changed overnight for everyone. Will it ever be the same again?

No more monthly luncheons with the Raytheon crowd. Zoom meetings with the Mitre folk. The isolation is dreadful, though I did have ameliorating visits from sons/daughters Sean, Patrick/Cori, Annie, and Stephen, as well as niece/nephew Carol and Stanley. Michael has had some difficult issues, but is currently seeking a place to live and a job. Family is everything and I am ever grateful for mine -- each and every one.

As we head off into the new year, I wish holiday blessings for you all.

In the spirit,
Ole Dan

A Printable Hanukkah Card