(mehorah from the web)

2 December 2018

Hanukkah cheer we send to you,
Best wishes for the coming year.
A year awash with blessings new,
No anger, grief, or strife or fear.

Dear Friends and Family,

2018 started with much excitement, as #1 (Sean) stopped to visit going and coming for his trip to Ireland. He rented a small cottage near Newmarket, and reconnected with our Irish cousins in Cork, bringing back news, stories, and lots of pics.

Fife and drum events still keep us active a bit, starting with Bedford Polecapping Day in April. Patriots Day in Brookline was a non event because of the rain, but the William Diamond muster in May was fun as was South Boston History Day where we educate the school children about Colonial music. The Westbrook Muster was wonderful as always, with hospitality from Barbara and Dave Pear. Boston Alarm Company gigs tended to fill the interstices.

As the years go by, we find more and more of our good friends leaving us. Cousin Rory died in Dublin in January -- we didn't even know he was ill. During the year we lost at least five other close friends. No wonder old age is lonely.

The big event of the year was Dan's 90th birthday party at the Legion hall, with Latin music by Ricardo Monzón, professor of percussion at Berklee, and catering by El Serape of Braintree. Friends came from far and near -- Son Sean from California, Patrick and family from Colorado, Nephew Stanley and family from Washington -- a good time was had by all. Even Grandson Nathaniel enjoyed the dancing.

The end of September we drove out to Hadley, MA for the wedding of Hannah Fine and Matt Leonard -- she the daughter of our neighbors Vicky and Gerry. It was a beautiful ceremony, under a beautiful shelter, at a beautiful farm -- what fun -- dancing and everything.

Amd how about those Red Sox? -- yet another World Series Championship -- with a duck boat parade!

Enjoy the holidays,
Sweet Betts/Ole Dan

A Printable Hanukkah Card